Pet Cardiology

DOG AND CAT Cardiology Services in Rogers, AR

Although heart conditions are found more often in older pets, these problems can affect pets at any age. Heart disease is sometimes a life-threatening condition, but early diagnosis and appropriate therapy can extend your pet’s life. If caught soon enough, some forms of heart disease can be cured.

Heart disease can lead to congestive heart failure (CHF) in dogs and cats, which occurs when the heart can no longer pump blood effectively. If an animal is suffering from CHF, fluid usually accumulates in and around the lungs and sometimes in the abdomen. Congenital heart disease (animals born with a heart problem), valvular heart disease (abnormalities of the heart valves), arrhythmias (rhythm disturbances), and heartworm disease can all lead to CHF.

Is Your Pet In Need of Cardiology Services?


Signs Your Dog or Cat May Have a Heart Condition:

  • Coughing or Wheezing
  • Labored or Rapid Breathing
  • Weakness or Fatigue
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Swollen Abdomen
  • Fainting or Collapsing
  • Pale or Bluish Gums
  • Irregular Heartbeat
  • Weight Loss or Poor Appetite
  • Lethargy

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact us, and our professional veterinary team will be able to properly diagnose your pet. Some heart conditions can be managed with medication, lifestyle changes, or surgery, so early detection is key.